Who is going to hold you accountable when you don’t have a built-in accountability system like you did at your 9-5? Making that jump into the entrepreneurial life is awesome and amazing, but without a boss standing over your shoulder, many entrepreneurs just struggle to accomplish anything.

We’ve set up a few systems for our coaching students to help them stay on track: time blocking and score cards. Just having someone standing behind them, calling them up, and reminding them to take action helps them move forward toward their goals.

Since when has anyone, on any training ever, said that making one offer a week is going to get you ten thousand dollars? When we work with our coaching clients, we teach them the kind of effort they need to put in to get massive results.

Listen, you can set up all of your marketing and your VAs to do a large part of your business for you. But you, and the effort you put in, are the engine that makes everything run. I’m going to give you a few tips on how to hold yourself accountable for all of the work and money you’re pouring into your business.

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What’s Inside:

  • If you don’t know your numbers, then you don’t have a business.
  • If you don’t have someone keeping you accountable, then how will you stay disciplined?
  • How often you need to be in contact with your VAs.

Hey, guys. How you doing? This is Gavin Timms with REI Network. Today, we’re going to talk about a super, super important topic: accountability. Okay. Accountability is probably one of the most important things in this business, period, for a number, a number of reasons. And sometimes it gets overlooked. Some people, we talk about it when they don’t put the right things in place to keep yourselves accountable. 

Firstly, always as entrepreneurs, as business owners. If you’re coming from a nine to five job, you already have structure in that job. You have to be there on time when your shift starts. Whatever it may be that you’re doing and you’ve got no one making you do anything when it’s your own business. And that can be a problem for most people because you have to be super motivated. You have to be disciplined to actually get things done. And sometimes that’s not enough just to use them words. So we have to put things in place. Okay, you need to be accountable to a time block in your day, if that’s what it takes. What are you going to do tomorrow? Plan your day and then be accountable to it. 

So tomorrow, between nine and twelve, I want to achieve these things. Between 12 and three, I want to achieve these things. Between three and six, I want to achieve these things here. And what you’re going to do is it’s gonna be less overwhelm when you do have a plan. But then it’s being accountable to that plan. Who is gonna be holding you accountable to making sure that even though they’re in the calendar, even though you have time blocked and you all structured, who is holding you accountable to actually doing that? Right. And dependent how your business is structured. This could be a business partner. This could be your kids, your wife, your husband. 

Somebody. Okay. Maybe it’s a coach or someone else that you’re working within in the industry to keep you accountable because otherwise nothing gets done. And then you just become another information guy or gal, right, where you’re buying course after course, you have more knowledge than anybody else. You have no more knowledge than maybe what the difference is, maybe between me and you. Is that I actually take massive action, be held accountable for it and actually get things done. And I know you want to do that. And it’s easier said than done, but you just don’t do it because you don’t have an accountability partner. So time blocking is one thing. Staying disciplined to it all. 

Other thing is, obviously scorecards, right? Scorecards tracking your numbers. If you don’t know your numbers, you don’t have a business. Right. This is where is your marketing dollars go in what marked in his work. Okay. These are these scorecards that you need to make sure that you’re filling out, because that is going to be holding you accountable to making changes. We need to know if cold calling is working or not. We need to know exactly what is the best source of leads for you. We need to know if it’s direct mail or Facebook or PPC. We need to know them things. Right. So by tracking, get where you need to be held accountable to tracking your numbers. So it still comes back to accountability to make sure that we are tracking the things that we need. 

Accountability in this business, again, just gets overlooked. People want it. People say, oh, yeah I need accountability. Well, what are you doing to put it in place? Because you need to do something. Otherwise, it’s week after week after week. The biggest thing that we probably talk about is how many offers, how many cells have you spoken to? How many offers have you made? How much follow up have you done? 

That’s one of the main things I ask all my clients that they need to report and marketing as well. But they are. I know that if they’re marked in the talking to sellers. Right. So I can kind of battle it off. So how many sales have you spoken to? How many offers have you made and which follow up have you done? Because if I know this and I consistently see it, I will know where they need help. Right. So I have to keep them accountable. Every single Monday in the coaching program, we do a scorecard. I put the scorecard out. They report on their numbers every Wednesday. I then give them feedback on their numbers from the previous week. 

What this does is that they have a comment section. We track the numbers of them things. So I need to know that they’re talking to enough sellers that they’re making enough offers and that they’re doing their follow up to get deals done. I already know that if I can get them into that stage now from a coaching standpoint, if they hit their numbers consistently and we’re not getting results now, they’ve become coachable because is something else going on? Is it the offers that you will make it? Is it the way that your position yourself on the phone? Are you asking the wrong questions? Are you doing the follow wrong? What’s going on? 

Let’s talk about it. Let’s dive in and find out what the problem might be, because, yes, you have been consistently doing this over the last three to four weeks and we haven’t got a contract. Then we have something to work on. But from a coaching standpoint, very difficult to work with people that aren’t doing them things right, that aren’t talking to people, that aren’t making offers, that isn’t doing any follow up. Because how can you coach someone when they’re not taking action? 

And then again, we’re going to revert back to why they’re not taking action, because they’re not being held accountable. OK. So this is one of, like I said, the most important things that you need to do. You have bought the course’s course after course after course. Okay. And you all put it in action. That doesn’t mean the course is bad. Maybe it’s discipline from you to put it into action. I don’t know. Right. Well, you need to analyze yourself. One of the basic things that I do is trying to when I work with clients is I try and analyze the situation. 

What are they doing? What are they doing well? What are they doing wrong? And find out. And it’s never, in my opinion, the training or the course. It’s well, you implement in it. It doesn’t matter who what course or training. You have to be doing it. Right. To actually get it done. So marked him plan. Are you doing that? Are you sticking to the plan? Do you have your marketing going out or are you just doing marketing some days? Make a couple of calls. Make one offer a week. 

Since when has anyone said on any training that one offer a week is going to get a deal and make ten thousand dollars or more? Right. Nobody. So this is a numbers game. We know that we want you shooting for five sellers a day. Prescreened seller to talk to, ideally five days a week, make it three offers a day. So that’s twenty-five sales a week. That’s one hundred sales a month. That’s fifteen offers a week. That’s 60 offers a month. And then just start times in it to undersells in two months, 120 offers in two months. 

Are you telling me I have a hundred and twenty offers, someone isn’t going to say yes? I mean show me. I think so. The average is going to tell you so. And if not, you’re going to follow up on all them, 120 of them, 60 offers until someone says yes. Remember, no means not now. So you need to make sure that you’re doing that. Also, I’m going to be putting together a scorecard for you, just something simple that we’ve just talked about. Right. And they’ll go probably to do www.REINetwork.com/scorecard or just REINetwork.com/scorecard. You’ll be able to download it for free. It’s not fancy. It’s basic. It’s simple, but it’s effective. OK. And you need when you get this. You need to give this to a business partner or family member and say, hey, this is what I want to do this week. These are my plans this week. 

I need you to keep me accountable. OK. To doing this. I want you asking me daily. Did you speak to five sellers a day? Because again, we don’t do that every day with our clients, but at least every week we do. They present us with numbers to do this exact thing. 

Now, if you’re in a situation where you have a team and you’re building the business like we do, is that you need to keep your team accountable. Right. So we have to keep our cold calls accountable. So we have to have scorecards for them every single day they report on their numbers. How many dials did they do? How long were they on the dialer? How many leads did we get? Okay. We track all of that for every call. Then we have acquisition manager. How many dials did they do? How many offers they made? How many contracts have we got in? How much follow up have they done? 

We keep them accountable because if no one is accountable, nothing gets done. We’ve learned this from day one from keeping yourself accountable, because if you can get in the right frame of mind, of being accountable yourself, it’s much easier then to understand the importance of keeping your team accountable because no one is going to work this business, your business harder than you. Nobody. You are going to be the one that outworks everyone because it’s yours and you want them to perform at the same level as you. And if that’s the case, then you need accountability, okay. To succeed just like them. 

Otherwise, nothing gets done. One of the most common things is oh my VAs no good. When was the last time you spoke to your VA? About two weeks ago. It’s no good. Twice a day we talked to our VAs. Every VA minimum twice a day. They report on their numbers every day. We can see if there’s a problem within 24 hours with that V.A. We can see if the list needs changing within 24 hours. Not two weeks. And that’s how you need to be to be efficient, to get deals done consistently. That’s just on the V.A. side. And again, transition into acquisition, disposition and knowing your numbers, what marketing’s working. 

And every time we try something, I need to track them numbers and keep people in the team accountable to giving me that information and asking for it. And looking at, you know creating maybe spreadsheets way auto populate for you, there’s a number of ways that you can do it, but you can also keep it very simple. Pen, paper, napkin. Write it down, give it someone and be held accountable. I know I like going on here, but I need this to register because this is what’s going to change everything for you. Going to come back and say, yeah, you’re exactly right. 

I know you’re listening right now and you’ve bought 10 courses. I know you have. And you’re going to say yeah, I have not been putting anything into action because you’ve not been held accountable. Right. And that’s why sometimes free information is the worst information, because if you invest. You’re invested. You have money and you have to make it work, right? We talk about our time. 

Free information. If you give me something for free. There may be I’m not going to do anything with it. I get free and we’ll watch it right now. And I watch a little bit and then never come back to it. I’ve just paid 20 grand for that or whatever. Five grand. A thousand, five hundred bucks, 100 bucks for it are more likely to actually do it. Right. Because I have skin in the game. But you can create skin in the game by getting other people to hold you accountable. And maybe this forfeits. You can get creative with this. Right. And do it. Make sure that it gets done. 

So remember, you know, know your numbers, time blocking. OK. And all these things, marketing plan, score cards, hitting your numbers is all good. Put it in place. It’s all important. But if you’re not being held accountable, it isn’t going to work. So guys, remember, if you check out the scorecard, go to REINetwork.com/scorecard. You can get it downloaded. It’s not fancy, but it’s effective. That’s going to be helping tracking you for what you’re doing. Try and then give that to someone. Be held accountable. And the next time we do an accountability group, make sure you get involved with us, because I think that’s probably one of the biggest things that we see in the business, is that when people get in the routine, because that’s what we’re trying to break. Right. It’s a routine. 

And if you do this every single day, it becomes the normal. It’s hard. It’s hard to report any numbers, to track you numbers every day. It’s just like going to the gym. Right. It’s hard for the first few weeks. But then you’re in the groove and you go. It’s hard dieting, right at the first. You don’t want to eat salads every day, but it gets better over a period of time because it becomes a normal. So all these things, it’s no different for your business. Right. But if you want to succeed, this is the way forward. So, you know, hit me up. Make sure you like and subscribe to the channel. That’ll be great. Drop us some comments if you agree, disagree. And we’ll go from there. All right, guys, have a great day. And remember, if you’re watching on the podcast, make sure you like and subscribe. Thanks.